Friday, June 29, 2012

friday's letters


Dear hair, 
I know it's my fault you're a crunchy, frizzy mess. I shouldn't have bought that max hold hairspray, but it was on sale and I couldn't help myself. Never again, I promise!

Dear lungs, 
I know I've promised to quit smoking before and let you down, bare with me, when summer is over I swear I'm going to give it another shot!

Dear old people, 
I know driving makes you feel independent but if you can't see 3 feet in front of your wrinkled face and your reaction time is that of a sloth maybe it's time to throw in the keys .... I'm tired of almost getting hit by you every time I try to cross the street.

Dear bailey,
Naps are a privilege, do you have any idea what momma would give to have a scheduled nap every single day?? wait till you're older and you'll regret not taking advantage of them now!

Dear weather,
When bigger chicks get sweaty, it's not pretty, tone it down. thanks!

Dear white trash that lives across the alley from me,
Stop throwing your beer cans in my trash cans and get your own!

5 question friday

1. What's your favorite childhood snack that you still eat as an adult?

What I remember most from being a child is eating flakies and jos louis cakes ... do they still make these?? If so I haven't seen them in a very long time and you bet your ass I'd still eat them! 

2. What food will you not eat the low fat version of?


3. What's your favorite way to cool off in the summer?

hitting the pool, drinking iced coffee drinks, or laying around the house with the central air blasting.

4. What's your favorite summer read?

The only time I have to read is before bed, right now I'm reading a collection of short stories from Jack Ketchum I found on a top ten disturbing novels website. It's pretty disturbing, the stories so far deal with twins who have sex with each other and then turn into zombies, a mother who blows her sons head off and other stories of rape and incest, not for the faint of heart!

5. What are you doing to stay cool in the awful heat?

2 words .... swimming pool. 

Thursday, June 28, 2012

battle of the bulge ....

and by bulge I mean my big fat ass!

My kid is almost 2, the tired old baby weight excuse doesn't cut it anymore. I can't blame it on that anyways,  I only gained about 17 pounds with her and escaped without a single stretch mark. My pound packing days started when I stopped breastfeeding and only went back to work part time. I'm a victim of all day grazing. I've always been a curvy chick, and don't get me wrong, I love my curves. They're just getting a little too curvy these days, like curving over the side of my jeans when I sit down. I believe the term is "muffin top". 
Cute. My husband says I'm still beautiful, but he has to tell me that, I make his dinners. I have managed to lose 12 pounds since spring, so that gives me some hope! I've platued now, so I actually have to work at losing the rest, running errands and taking bailey to the park isn't going to cut it anymore. I have to set some rules for myself, start eating healthier. I guess it wouldn't kill me to work out a few times a week either. bah! I can do this! I have to do this .... our vacation to the beach is next month and you better believe I'm going to wear a bikini. 

thankful thursday

Thankful Thursdays Button

here's a few things I'm thankful for! get your lists going and link up with black tag diaries.

♥ iced coffee drinks ... I don't drink coffee unless it's frozen and has whipped cream on top!

♥ the pool pass we decided to get for the summer ... when it's 95 degrees, we're extra thankful!

♥ thankful I got my period yesterday, it was a day late and this momma was sweating bullets :P

♥ I only have to work a few nights a week, which is good because anything more than that is starting to make me want to stab people in the face.

♥ my daughter being a wild animal all day and exhausting herself so she sleeps 12 hours every night like she's in a coma.

♥ charcoal grills .... our sunday night dinners in the summer rock!

♥ living 5 minutes from a park, keeping a toddler inside all day is not a good idea! 

♥ my hubs taking today off so I can get some stuff done around the house. 

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

we want to know wednesdays


We want to know wednesdays Q&A with mamarazzi and crazymama!

1. I started getting tattoos at 18 to the utter dismay of my parents, the first time I showed them my back piece I thought they were going to have heart attacks and kick it. I have a handful more but my back is my favorite! 

 2. The best present I ever received was my daughter, she's everything to me, nothing could ever compare to her xo!

3. Defiantly tall, dark and handsome! example ..... 

Clark Gable

4. I guess it's not so embarrassing now to admit that I met my hubby on myspace many moons ago when internet hookups were still pretty taboo :P
We fell in love and I moved from canada to pennsylvania to be with him, we've been married almost 5 years now.

5. I'd like to know ....
What's the most embarrassing thing your kid has ever done to you??

pinteresting wednesday

I'm so loving this hop! I eat, sleep, and breath Pinterest! crack for mommas! Here's some of my recent pins.



Tuesday, June 26, 2012

top 5 tuesday

Just Peachy

celebrity crushes! these boys are just off the top of my head, there's way more than 5 ;)

Mathew Mcconaughey

James Franco

Colin Farrell 

Ryan Reynolds

Mark Wahlberg

Monday, June 25, 2012

phone photo fun mondays

This is my first time linking up with phone photo fun but it's a perfect hop for me since I'm always taking pics on my phone! link up and share your pics! here's my week in pics ...

bailey drawing on her sketch board before breakfast 


last night's dinner, beer can chicken. 

fun at the park!

getting ready to go swimming with the family :) 

Sunday, June 24, 2012

tweet tweet.

I ended up having to open a new twitter account, and lost all my contacts booo! I tried to add back as many as I could but some I just couldn't find. Soooooooooooo if you're interested here's my follow button, feel free to jump on the bitch train and stalk the shit out of me, I won't mind, promise xo